Last Minute Father’s Day BBQ Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is just a few days away! This year it is Sunday June 19th, 2022. It will sneak up on you, but you still have time to get gifts delivered. You’ll see my full list of gift ideas in my post Mother’s Day and Father’s Day BBQ Gift Ideas and you’ll find my full gear recommendations on my gear page here: Backyahd BBQ Gear.
In this post, I’ll cover just a few last-minute fun things that should get to you in time.
A good instant read thermometer is essential for cooking food to safe temps. I highly recommend getting the ThermoWorks Thermapen One.
ThermoWorks Thermapen One
I have tried a bunch of cheaper thermometers from Amazon and tested them side-by-side with the ThermoWorks and the Thermapen always wins. It is faster and more accurate than all the others. This is important because when you open the grill lid you want to close it as quick as possible, so you don’t lose heat. With the 1 second read-time, the Thermapen does a great job at that. Well worth the extra money in my opinion.
Prep Tub
A prep tub allows you to season your meat without getting the rub everywhere. I highly recommend the DripEZ tubs.
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If they don’t have a grill, then my top recommendation is the Weber Performer – it has great features that I all love, like the lid holder, the side table, and the ash catcher bowl.
Weber Performer

Good knives are key to getting a good trim and nice slices!
Boning Knife
A boning knife is essential for trimming meat. It’s what I use in every cook. I recommend anything Victorinox and this 6″ Boning knife is what I have.

Carving / Slicing Knife
If they don’t have a brisket slicer, then this one is great. It’s very sharp and long and it is the style they use at the Texas BBQ joints like Franklin BBQ.

Butcher Paper
If they want to get into brisket smoking, then they’ll likely want some butcher paper to wrap it during the cook. Here’s the one I recommend.

Happy Father’s Day everyone! I hope this post helped you find the right gift for the father in your life.